Friday, 21 April 2017

Facebook Analytics Tool To Comprehend & Nurture Your Business

Facebook is a powerful network is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. It has been grown significantly and has 60 million active members, to share their photos, have group discussions, play games on their individual profiles and also nurture their business by marketing through Facebook.

Facebook's prosperity can be attributed to its capacity to engage both individuals and businesses, its engineer's network that transformed Facebook into a flourishing stage and it Connects capacity to collaborate with destinations around the web by giving a solitary login that works over various locales.

For business analytics

Businesses offer unique products or services to a smaller or larger range of customers, Facebook provides an excellent opportunity to reach the exact target audience with a personal approach. Facebook basically has a monstrous user base. Regardless of where you are located,  you’re bound to have people you can connect with locally to extend your business. Most the business users are creating the Facebook page and focusing on the likes, shares and no. of Followers but when you use analytics tool you can able to monitor everything about the brand, the person who is visiting your profile and what is happening with your competitors and much more.

This analytics will go deeper dive of your profile to give a quick analysis on what you are losing out and what you need to concentrate on. There are different types of analytics you have to monitor on a regular basis.

Find page likes

This business dashboard tool helps to find no of page likes i.e., total page likes over time and other net likes on what has been changed like Unlike, Organic Likes, Paid Likes, Net Likes and you can also track where page likes comes from.

Track your reaches

Are you need to know the reach of your post in organic as well as inorganic sources? The analytics tool will visualize all your data by tracking it. You can track a positive action such as likes, comments, shares and you can also track negative actions such as the number of times your posts have been hidden, reported as spam, or caused someone to unlike your page.


Get easily track your visitors that people visit most, including your timeline, info, and photo tabs. So that you can easily find where you are lacking and get a way to improve the visitors.


No need to search for any details about your post, impression and like. Get all post reach details at one place without getting into deep longer analysis and quickly conclude that a rise in negative feedback can be attributed to the positive reaction from my fans by saving your time.

The deep Facebook insights will make the business folks better comprehends and grow the business to level next. Now you can make an easy analysis on any social media to monitor regularly without having the stress, start monitoring with a dashboard to make your analysis simple and quick. For more details, Click here:


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